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Sea of Thieves​

Sea of Thieves is a Xbox exclusive game so all you Playstation players are missing out on this open world massive multiplayer game. It is a new game that was released on the 20th of March. Due to it being released lately the servers are going through a few problems, but that is because of how many people are trying to play. This game is currently selling at £50.

Shadow of War​

Shadow of War is available for all Playstation, Xbox and PC. It is an open world single player RPG. This game is based from the Lord Of The Rings films. It has an interesting story and is the only game other than the first game with the iconic nemesis system. This game was released in 24th of October and has 3 different versions selling from £20 to £35.


Fortnite is one of the most popular games right now. It is completely free and is on all gaming platforms. Many people are putting hours of game time in to play this addicting game. It is a 100 player fight from working on your own to duos to squads with your friends. This game was released in December and has had nearly every gamer play this game atleast once due to it being free.

Red Dead 2

A game with no price tag just yet and no release date right now. All we got is a trailer for this amazing looking game. It is a follow up from the first successful game making the hype around this game intense. It will have a story game and perhaps a multiplayer mode which we didn't get in the first game.


The Game Xbox won't be getting as Spiderman will be Playstation exclusive. This game looks perfect giving Gamers a chance to become everyone's favourite hero Spiderman. No price or release date as not much has been said about this game, but like the other Spiderman games I'm sure it will not disappoint. 

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